welcome to lucasfisher.com!!

latest sequencer dream

what is all this "sequencer dreams" this and "united states of space" that? well, ever since like november of last year i have been making a lot of beat tapes.

at least one or two a month, using the KO II by teenage engineering, or some other crap as well like the Native Instruments Maschine, sometimes the ko-33 pocket operator, sometimes the Korg Minilogue XD heck, even some of the times - the behringer neutron even though they are a purely evil company!

i stole this gif -the website designer

moving on to mario!

foreshadowing? more music by a freakin dude named Lucas?

Gadget Pro! An album made completely 100% on a Nintendo Switch

this one time I made a gameboy game


Click here to play!

a2b2 chartiy game jam submission played by vine sauce

more freakin music


A footwork/jungle nightmare produced during peak covid in March and April of 2020. Featuring 100s of samples I stole from youtube.

SURVIVAL MODE 2020 (music video)

graphic design is my passion

l i n k s

my old band official website

og producer stomping grounds

i sometimes make freak folk as sweetbabylucas

i even had a soundcloud

homepage for the nightmare: FLUDD3DXL

god i need to just delete this spotify account

the "music" youtube channel

the "lifestyle" youtube channel

~ tbe greatest band in the world goes to terre haute

one time the greatest band in the forever played a show in terre haute. we recorded everything except our actual set


me in 2013? playing at the local DHQ
WHO is Lucas Fisher?
Lucas Fisher has been making music in Indiana since like 2011, idk. Mostly electronic experimental, but sometimes with geetars. Check out his freakin' brothers Cory Fisher and Nicholas Fisher, they are actually good at making music. Personally, I just like the process of making noise, and modulating that noise. Sometimes it sounds more like music than other times.

Ducas Disher has two bandcamps for some reason, one for freak folk crap (and footwork i guess), and another for ambient exploration nonsense.

