welcome to lucasfisher.com!!
what is all this "sequencer dreams" this and "united states of space" that? well, ever since like november of last year i have been making a lot of beat tapes.
at least one or two a month, using the KO II by teenage engineering, or some other crap as well like the Native Instruments Maschine, sometimes the ko-33 pocket operator, sometimes the Korg Minilogue XD heck, even some of the times - the behringer neutron even though they are a purely evil company!i stole this gif -the website designer
moving on to mario!
foreshadowing? more music by a freakin dude named Lucas?
this one time I made a gameboy game
Click here to play!
a2b2 chartiy game jam submission played by vine sauce
more freakin music
A footwork/jungle nightmare produced during peak covid in March and April of 2020. Featuring 100s of samples I stole from youtube.
graphic design is my passion
my old band official website
og producer stomping grounds
i sometimes make freak folk as sweetbabylucas
i even had a soundcloud
homepage for the nightmare: FLUDD3DXL
god i need to just delete this spotify account
the "music" youtube channel
the "lifestyle" youtube channel
one time the greatest band in the forever played a show in terre haute. we recorded everything except our actual set